

Functional brain imaging assessment with NeuroQ

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Screen capture of the NeuroQ software.

Multi-modality neuroradiology processing

Whether you need solutions for assessing Dementia, Parkinsonian Syndrome, Epilepsy or Alzheimer’s Disease, our integration with the NeuroQ software from Syntermed, Inc. has got you covered.

NeuroQ supports multi-modality imaging data like PET, SPECT or MR. It includes standard brain region-of-interest uptake measurements and quantitative comparison to a comprehensive set of normal databases.

Use the link below to access the NeuroQ website for complete details on the product.

Book a demo with a member of our team to discuss how UniSyn MI™ can transform your imaging workflow.

Explore our applications in Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology, and Neurology, or learn more about our core software features, deployment options, and configuration capabilities.